
How to take care of our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing

Here, there are amazing tips that you would like to follow. It will nurture yourself, your soul, mind, heart, and body helping you to be in alignment with your essence or who you really are and become more peaceful, healthy, happier and successful too.

Your beautiful imagination!!...Fantasy has meant more for me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge ~ Albert Einstein

“When I examined myself and my methods of thought, I came to the conclusion that the gift of #fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge” ~ Albert Einstein

Fantasy! Imagination! Creation! I love it! Do you? If you just work with numbers, with logic, following rules, set up in the same daily work and environment; then there is no space for creative thinking to take place.

If you want to have different results; you have to think in a different way and execute a different but strategic action to achieve what you want.

For being able to do that, you need to start using your mind, your imagination.

You know that energy cannot be created or destroyed just can be transformed.

So everything is in here!

So, to be able to reach that level of creation. Use your imagination, fantasise! Where your dreams are!

And it is cheap!! It doesn’t cost you money!

So Fantasy is a way to get closer to your dreams, and taking action will make it happen.

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#WEFLONDON2019 Women Economic Forum - Empowering Mummies

For inspiring and empowering mums

Just in few days I will be one of 200 speakers attending from 49 countries #WEFLondon2019.(Women Economic Forum)

Please come to celebrate this amazing event. Be empowered, inspired and hear from the best leaders from around the globe.
Network, collaborate and have fun. No selling, no ego!
#GloriaAcuna #WEFLondon2019

Sharon Calix

Register your free ticket today using the link.

See you there!

Empowering Mummies - Empowering & Healing Mums at Women Economic Forum, London

Empowering Mummies - Empowering & Healing Mums at Women Economic Forum, London