Magnesol - Combat cold, flu, lack of energy, improve sleep, reduce stress, cramps, etc - Magnesium and Zinc

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Screenshot 2019-07-30 at 11.04.13.png

Magnesol - Combat cold, flu, lack of energy, improve sleep, reduce stress, cramps, etc - Magnesium and Zinc

Sale Price:£25.00 Original Price:£30.00

Hi mama,

Because we all have those moments!

As a mom, navigating the demands of daily life can be both rewarding and challenging. Empowering Mummies understands the unique needs of mothers who strive to balance family, work, and personal well-being. That's why we're excited to introduce Magnesol, your go-to solution for combating the cold and flu - in British weather, alleviating fatigue, enhancing sleep, and reducing muscle tension and stress.

Key Benefits:

  1. Immune Support: Magnesol plays a crucial role in supporting your immune system, helping you combat the cold and flu that can often derail your daily routine. By incorporating Magnesol into your wellness routine, you provide your body with the essential magnesium it needs to boost immune function and keep illness at bay.

  2. Fatigue Relief: Juggling multiple roles and responsibilities can leave any mom feeling fatigued. Magnesol helps combat fatigue by promoting energy production at the cellular level. Say goodbye to sluggish days and embrace the vitality needed to tackle each day with renewed enthusiasm.

  3. Enhanced Sleep Quality: No more insomnia. Achieving restful sleep is essential for overall well-being. Magnesol promotes relaxation and helps regulate melatonin production, facilitating a more restorative and deep sleep. Say farewell to sleepless nights and wake up refreshed, ready to face the day ahead.

  4. Muscle Tension Reduction: Do you suffer from cramps? here is your solution. Whether it's from a hectic day or physical exertion, muscle tension can be a common issue for moms. Magnesol acts as a natural muscle relaxant, aiding in the reduction of tension and discomfort. Say bye to awful cramps! Feel the soothing effects and embrace a sense of physical well-being.

  5. Stress Management: Magnesium, a key component of Magnesol, is known for its ability to alleviate stress, promote a sense of calm, and avoid depression. By incorporating Magnesol into your daily routine, you empower yourself with a natural stress management tool, helping you navigate the challenges of motherhood with greater ease.

This is one of my secrets to be ready for the day and ensure success in life.

Now, it’s your turn to Empower yourself with Magnesol – the wellness solution crafted specifically for moms.

Prioritise your health and well-being, ensuring you have the energy, resilience, and tranquility needed to be the best version of yourself for both you and your family.

Choose Magnesol – because empowered mummies deserve nothing but the best in holistic wellness.

Magnesol is a nutritional supplement based on Magnesium and Zinc. 100% natural free from any artificial ingredients, colouring, flavouring, or sugars.  Proven effective in Peru and all South America; now available in the UK and worldwide. It is a critical mineral essential for overall health.

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Natural magnesium is one of the most important elements needed for your body to function properly, activating over 300 biochemical reactions. Note: A lack of magnesium in your diet could put your health at significant risk. 80% of the population is already deficient in magnesium, causing serious health problems.

 It provides people who are looking for a natural and easy-to-consume alternative, with an integral wellness experience, because it combines the exact dose of these minerals, which your body always needs, in a practical presentation of 33 sachets.

 Are you suffering of Hay fever, cramps, stress, depression, lack of energies, insomnia, migraine, respiratory problems, diabetes? take Magnesol and say Bye bye to all those problems and be healthy. 

Try Magnesol today - the most effective and pure magnesium supplement on the market.

How do I take Magnesol?

Dissolve a sachet of Magnesol in half a glass of cold water and add lemon juice. You can also take it with orange juice.

Any contraindications?

Magnesol is contraindicated for patients with chronic renal failure.

It is not for children.

In case of pregnancy and lactation, it must be under the control of your treating doctor.